- Cover page (with your name, name of essay (give it an appropriate title), due date (Dec. 1, 2008), and the name of our class)
- Final draft (may be typed of handwritten; error-free and neat please!)
- Drafts (most recent on top). Please limit this to two handwritten drafts (drafts should show revision and editing)
- Peer Review Sheet (optional)
- Rubric (missing rubric loses you 3 points)
Late papers will lose 5 points.
Advisory Clubs have been narrowed down to these three selections:
- Fine Arts Club (books, music, plays, etc)
- Home Ec/Life Skills Club (cooking, home skills, crafts, etc)
- Art Club (various art stations)
On Monday in advisory you will select your first, second, and third choices. We will try to accommodate everyone with their first or second choice. We can rotate these clubs or change the clubs as we go. We will then decide on a meeting schedule and let you know what you need in terms of supplies, etc.
We wish everyone and their families a safe, happy, and healthy Thanksgiving.
Mrs. Marks and Mrs. Moreno