Friday, October 3, 2008

The Write Stuff

731: Edit drafts to find and fix spelling, punctuation, grammatical, tense, and other errors and correct them in a different color pen. Rewrite on clean loose-leaf. Continue to skip lines and use only one side of the loose-leaf. KEEP ALL DRAFTS> THEY ARE PART OF YOUR FINAL PRODUCT. Mrs. Moreno and I will collect your drafts Monday and review them. You will see comments on Teacherease soon after.
702: GREAT publishing party. You really impressed me with your ability to give your fellow writers specific feedback (the chips and cookies and other treats were yummy, too.)
Read this weekend (at least 25 mins. each night). Log and respond each time you read. Everyone will get a Reader's Sourcebook rubric on Monday. Reading logs will be collected each Friday and Reader's Sourcebooks will be collected and graded every two weeks. Keep them updated and neat.

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