Thursday, December 18, 2008

Creative Juices Are Flowing...

We will continue to revise and publish our responses to "Akeelah and the Bee". Please note that we will publish/share on Monday, Dec. 22. These pieces will form our January hallway bulletin board. It is required that each student publish one piece, however it is encouraged that each student publish more than one.

We were especially impressed with the creativity that you exhibited during this process. For example, Alex P. has created an electronic spelling machine inspired by Akeelah, a "new product" that launched after the movie. He plans to create a sample. Rita is interviewing classmates and measuring their reactions to the movie. Sal is creating an Akeelah web site. Ariana, Thomas, Nikitas, John K. and Hannah are creating a magazine centered around the movie's characters. Wilson spent a class period perusing the dictionary in search of words for Akeelah to spell. He proclaimed, "There are some great words in here!" :) Timmy plans to try all the response strategies. Peggy recreated an e-mail screen and is writing a note to Akeelah from her dad.

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