Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Revision - Day 2 Wrap-Up; Portfolio Selection

731 did an amazing job of revising work today - independently and with others.
We reviewed the revision process - and students used what they knew and what they learned to make their persuasive arguments even more convincing. They changed language, organization, eliminated unnecessary information, and generally improved the quality of their work.

We will begin to present our work next week.

Term 2 Portfolio Selection
Term 2 is coming to an end soon (it's gone by quickly). Advisory conferences are coming up soon, too. Students will begin to select three pieces of work that demonstrates that they are meeting or exceeding the ELA standards, and reflect upon the process and the product. We will review portfolio selection criteria, ELA standards, and practice "justifying" our work and learning before conferences roll around. We've done some amazing work - now it's your turn to show off.

Homework: Read/Respond March #2

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