Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Celebrating Teen Read Week

Even though Teen Read Week is officially over this weekend, we will continue to celebrate our love of reading next week as we create adveritising posters that "sell" our favorite books. You will get the details this week. Thanks to those students who voted (though there were only 7 of you)'s important that everyone exercises their voice in the choices we give you in class.

Reading logs will be collected tomorrow. Please do not forget them at home, in your locker, or lose them. You will not receive credit unless you hand in your reading logs during your class' ELA period.

Review for midterm test will be tomorrow. Please bring your Reader's and Writer's Sourcebooks to class so we can clarify anything that has confused you. This is a good time for you to check the Reader's Sourcebooks to make sure you have all the lessons and notes.

See you tomorrow.

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