Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Link to the 2008 Grade 7 ELA Exam

This link will take you to Books 1 and 2 of the Grade 7 2008 NY State ELA exam.
We have already reviewed the short answer section for the reading passage, "The Island". Print out the scoring key so that once you've taken test (have a parent time you according to the Teacher Directions), you and your parent can review the skills attached to each question and the correct answers, similar to the way we did in class.
We will continue to prepare for the test in class with exercises in editing, author's purpose, literary language and other skills.
Reader's Sourcebooks are being graded and may not be returned as promised by Friday, because Mrs. Marks is on the "testing committee" and will be very busy preparing the school's testing packets. You will have them as soon as I can return them. For now, complete your reading responses on loose-leaf.

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