Friday, March 27, 2009

Ally Carter, Well known author!!!

Guess What!?!?! Ally Carter, author of the Gallagher Girls series is coming to NYC! =] May 28-31 at the Book Expo America! I think that we should go on a trip there. I mean it is a convention for books. What better way to explore new authors and create a wider range of reading, then meeting the authors and viewing JUST RELEASED books?

I think it is a GREAT IDEA. May 28th is a Thursday, so it could be a trip date. Also, it is about 1 month away, so it will be enough time to plan a trip.

Ally Carter's Website is

~RITA =)


Unknown said...

Hey Rita,
This sounds exceptionally cool. Do you have any more details about the Book Expo. I am thinking that it's a trade show where only book publishers/sellers can attend...but if we could get in...

~Ritamc~ said... That is the link to the expo. I found out about it on Ally Carter's Newsletter.

xxmoboxx said...

i just joined..... just saying

Unknown said...

Just checked out the Book Expo. Though kids and educators are invited to attend, registration is $75 a person!!!! Don't think that's going to work, but good idea, Rita. Maybe we can come up with some other literary trip for us to go on this spring.
