Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Drafting/Revising Chapters

702 misses ELA tomorrow and 731 only has one work period to write.
By the end of class tomorrow: 731 should have drafted most/all of the chapters. As you write, revise by showing rather than telling.
By Friday: 702 and 731 should have drafted all chapters and be ready to revise/work with partners.

As you are writing, ask yourself these questions:
1. Do I hook the reader in the first few lines?
2. Do I take too long to get to the point?
3. Am I showing rather than telling?
4. Am I listing?
5. Do all or most sentences sound the same...do all or most start with "I" or "Then" or "(insert character's name)"?
6. Would I read my story if I didn't write it (will it appeal to others?)

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