Friday, January 29, 2010

GoogleDocs/Research/Citing Sources

All of the links to your sources and the information you find as a result of your search must be compiled in GoogleDocs.
  1. Login to your WJPS email account
  2. Click "Documents" at the top left toolbar
  3. Once in GoogleDocs, create a new Word document
  4. Highlight link or text in address bar or web page
  5. Command + C to copy information
  6. Put cursor in Word document
  7. Command + V to paste information

Cite all of your sources! You must show where you got your information, whether you copy and paste a link or information directly (word-for-word) from the source, or whether you paraphrase (put in your own words). Any thought that did not come from your own mind (original thoughts) must be cited!!!

Trust only .gov and .edu extensions. Be cautious with any other extension, such as .com, .org, or .net. Read "About Us" page to learn more about the creators/owners of the site. Determine if you can trust it from the information they provide on that page.

Monday, January 25, 2010


R.A.F.T.S. is an ideal way to organize thinking and plan for research/writing/presentation of persuasive publications.
R-role. what part does speaker/writer play? (counselor, giver of advice, coach, etc.)
A-audience. to whom is speaker/writer sending message? who are you trying to reach?
F-format. how are you sending the message? (the medium you are using, for example, public service announcement, powerpoint, poster, speech, etc.)
T-topic. what are you writing about?
S-strategy. what is your plan for sending your message?

Friday, January 22, 2010

702 ONLY: Homework due Tuesday, Jan. 26

Do this in on loose-leaf. Turn in at the start of class on Tuesday, Jan. 26

Step 1:
Go to the AdCouncil website's anti-steroids campaign (Asterisk) and listen to the 2 radio spots (rap and metal), view all 3 print ads and the 2 outdoor ads. These links can be found at the right side of the page.

Step 2: Create a pros and cons chart (in T-chart format) with three columns: rap, metal, print.

Step 3: Analyze the different media in terms of effectiveness. What are the positives about each spot? What are the negatives? Give as much detail as you can.

This work will be graded as classwork and will serve as your first grade for the new term. Any work not completed will be marked zero.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

103 Things to Do Before, During and After Reading

You have tons to choose from for our last response to literature assignment. Every student received a short story today and worked on locating unfamiliar vocabulary words, and predicting/finding defintions. You will complete a characterization chart and identify big ideas supported by text evidence. get to choose the response method. Find something that fits your talents and interests.

Here is the link to the Reading Rockets list of 103 response strategies. Print it if you have lost/misplaced your copy.
