Thursday, May 28, 2009

First-Person Narrator

The first-person narrator tells the story from their own perspective. The narrator MUST be a character in the story, whether they be the protagonist or a secondary character. The writer uses words such as "I", "me", "my" and "mine" when writing in the first-person narrator voice.

All students should complete Chapter 1 of their stories today - written in first-person narration.

A reminder: work time in class is work time, not social time. Please limit your talking and keep it on task. Whatever work is not completed in class must be completed at home.

By now you should have...
1. Devised a plot map that has an introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and denouement.
2. Reordered your plot map so that it is in the sequence (order) you will write the story.
3. Created at least 5 scenes, representing the parts of the plot map.
4. Created Chapter 1 (from Scene 1), using first-person narration.

If any of the above steps are not complete, please complete them at home.

Tomorrow we will learn about another narrative technique - third-person narrator. We will rewrite Chapter 1 using this narrator, and then compare the quality of the chapters.

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