Sunday, May 17, 2009

To Do This Week...

Mrs. Schneider would like everyone to have a productive week at home.

Read....and reflect on your reading each night. Make particular note of how your realistic fiction books conform to the genre. If you don't have a book, visit the library. Consult the list of author web sites and recommended books to the left of the post.

Write: While most of you will have probably left your Writer's Sourcebooks in your lockers, you can still lay out a plan for your stories. Create scenes (like we did for our small moment narratives).
Number each scene and identify the setting and characters involved. Then write a short description of what will happen in each scene. Attach at least 3 descriptive words and/or phrases that describe how the protagonist and/or secondary character feel(s) in each scene.

Setting: Classroom 884, I.S. 67, Bayside, NY, 11:30 AM, Monday morning.
Characters: Dylan (protagonist) and Johnny (secondary character)
Main idea of the scene: Johnny and Dylan are hard at work on their laptops. While Johnny is dilligently working on the class WebQuest, Dylan is posting a nasty message and picture on a social networking site, The Buzz. The picture shows Johnny crying and has the label "wimp" on it. Giggles emerge from several laptop stations across the room. The news is out. Only Dylan doesn't know it.
Descriptive words for the way Dylan is feeling: oblivious, will be upset/embarrassed soon.
Descriptive words for the way Johnny is feeling: powerful, bullying, vengeful.

Post to the blog with ideas and give each other feedback. When we return to school, we will be drafting from these scenes you have created this week.

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