Thursday, September 18, 2008

Drafting, Career Project...and What Do I Do When?

Most of you are at the point where you are out of the Sourcebook and drafting scenes on loose-leaf paper. Please keep your papers organized (in a folder, for example). DO NOT THROW AWAY ANY DRAFTING PAPERS. You will need your Sourcebook each day in class as we learn a new technique and try out the strategy. I am impressed with scene development. Keep stretching the moments with details and descriptive words. Use your classmates as "sounding boards". Peer review will be a big part of what we do in our ELA community.

702 has been introduced to the career goal statement letter project. Class 731 will get the details tomorrow.
Due date for 702 is Thursday, Sept. 25 and 731 to be determined. Please use your field work time on Wednesday to work on this letter.

Over the next week, you will learn ways in which you can spend your class time if you finish the work time assignment early. We have set up a reading center in the room, where library assistants have stocked reading response sheets. We will also create an interactive word bank that will help the writing community experiment with word variety.

Keep up the good work...

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