Friday, September 12, 2008

Sharing Your Voice


mary moreno said...

This is a double-entandra. Meaning, it has two meanings. Let me explain. I've been lurking around the Blog for the past week and I've finally decided to post -- to "share my voice". And, as you may have noticed, I was not in school today. That is because I was a program called Urban Voices: A Choral Music Initiative run by the Metropolitan Opera Guild.

What this means is that we are going to have a Guild-trained (that means professional) choral artist working with us this year. How does that sound? (exciting! scary! confusing!) I thought all of those things. I'll explain more next week, but for now it made me think of all the ways we can share our voices. I hope you find many ways to share your voice this year as 7th graders at WJPS -- through your writing and speaking and (hint, hint) singing, not just in ELA but throughout your whole educational experience. I can't wait to hear you. I'll be listening...

Unknown said...

My former school had an art program called Studio in a School. We did a lot of fun activities that tied ELA and the Arts together. We could do some of the activities in our ELA classes. What do the students think? Post your comments here.

~Ritamc~ said...

i think it sounds like fun!


Michymoo7 said...

I hope we get to do this amazing chorus thing. I love to sing and I am looking foward to doing this.
