Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Small Moments

Develop small moments through the five senses.
731: Choose at least one sense as a focus for each idea you develop (1/2 page each minimum).
702: We will start to draft tomorrow.

JOB POSTING: Library Assistants Needed!
Michelle will be our first library assistant (702). We are in need of one more assistant for her class, plus two assistants for class 731. Your job responsibilities will include keeping track of library cards, reshelving returned books, and making sure all bins are neat and organized. You will also check reading response sheets and make note of which sheets need to be replenished and/or copied.
Applications will be taken via the Parking Lot.

See you tomorrow....

1 comment:

Michymoo7 said...

Thanks Mrs.Marks!!!! I am looking forward to being library assistant.
