Thursday, September 18, 2008

Library News, Pen Pals, and Other Thoughts

The 702 library staff (Michelle, Rita, and Brianna) have been working hard to get our library in order. We will be adding more books to the collection this week as we clean out the closets and categorize the titles. Each time you finish a book, please head over to the reading response center (located next to the sharing shelf) and take a reading response that makes sense for the title you just completed. Once the sheet is filled out, place it in the reading response bin next to our library card catalogs. It will go into your portfolio eventually as evidence of your reading achievement.

Take time this weekend to work on the self-addressed goal letter. IT IS DUE THURSDAY, 9/25. The handout contains the due date of Monday, 9/22. Ignore that.

Please give me some feedback on the pen pal idea I threw out there a few days ago. I am thinking that we could correspond with seventh-graders in another state and get to know how people in other parts of the country think, feel, and entertain themselves. Post ideas/comments here.

See you Monday.

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